Mantra Connection with each chakra

In Svetlana's Words
"Chakra Stones from Sari are truly something unique. They are made with intention and care and you can feel the beautiful energy she charges them with. Each Stone also has a mantra connection with each Chakra.
I purchased this set for my first retreat and gifted a Stone to each woman who came. Everyone loved them.
Thank you Sari for your magical creation. Made with so much love, care and passion. I can feel how much love you put into them. I love you."
Svetlana Esposito, Reiki Teacher, Sound Therapist, Healer
Henderson, NV

In The Words of The Artist
It was such a pleasure to create this Chakra Collection for Svetlana, given the work she does as a healer and therapist.
Since this time, Svetlana commissioned me to create 3 magical Witch-Themed Stones. One of which she kept for her altar, and the others she gifted to two of her dear friends. Svetlana's Stone represents Music Witch with a sound bowl, Sommer's Stone represents Prana Witch, and Ecktor's Stone represents Plant Witch. They are all unique but share common themes that connect the Stones as much as the clients they now belong to.
Gratitude Stone

In Marianne's Words
"This Gratitude Stone was to express gratitude to my kidney donor for the gift of life, on the 2nd anniversary of my kidney transplant. Through this process, I learned Sari was a kind, compassionate person who would invest her time to understand my specific needs. She was willing to research and search everywhere to locate items to accomplish this special project, including creating thoughtful representative symbols her self with her artistic talents.
One half of this Stone was dedicated to represent the life and the selfless bravery of my donor. The other half was dedicated to the life and personal interest of my donor. The color green was chosen to represent kidney health, while each of the symbols were either selected or hand-made to make this experience very personal.
Both Story Stones surpassed my imagination. The intimate nature of the symbols combined with the Stones from mother earth created a sense of personal connection with the respective recipients and me. The Stones are unique, personally inspire and priceless. A mutual collaboration of love."
Marianne Supino, Retired
Lynnfield, MA

In The Words of The Artist
This was the 2nd Commemorative Stone Marianne commissioned me to design.
Having heard Marianne's story, and knowing that she was a kidney recipient, I was particularly honored to have a role in her journey by painting this special Stone.
Every detail, every item on the Stone was mindfully created and lovingly placed. I drew and cut the hands in the lower center of the Stone that hold the kidney, created the Colorado flag, printed and laminated the kite in the top right center - the logo of the donor's daycare center - and sourced the words and images communicated to me by Marianne.
My biggest joy was actually finding a Stone that was in the shape of both a kidney and a heart. It was perfect for this project.
When Marianne sent me the photo of herself with her kidney donor receiving this gift, my heart was filled with pride.
Marianne also owns a Chakra Collection.
Mother & Daughter Bond

In Barbara's Words
"Every evening, every morning, I wake up to the most beautiful Stone Sari made for me. Thank you Sari for your beautiful, individually created works of art.
My Stone represents my loving parents, as we often think of them as sweet foxes roaming freely in Algonquin Park.
Sari's representation is beautiful and heartwarming. Just seeing it every day makes me so very happy.
My first Stone was a gift, and a surprise, and I loved it. I have since received a few more, and each one is placed in an area where I see them every day.
They represent a special event, or a special person in my life, and they are works of art. The fact that they are so meaningful to me personally, is something that is very precious.
I love my Story Stone Collection."
Barbara Stringer, Artist
Toronto, ON

In The Words of The Artist
My biggest fan. My inspiration. My creative mentor. My mom, Barbara. Over the past year since I started painting, I have sent many Stones to my mom (from Las Vegas to Toronto). While she has loved them all, and has even framed pictures of others, there is none so special as the Fox Story Stone she recently received. This Stone represents her parents, my loving Grandparents. Upon a drive to Algonquin Park one summer, I happen to see two foxes for a brief moment, standing together on a side road, just off the highway. If I hadn't turn my head just then, I would have missed them.
What makes this Story so remarkable, is that at that moment, and about 2 hours into our drive, I mentioned that this day would have been my Grandparents wedding Anniversary. I looked to the side and saw a pair of foxes heading up the road, looking back at me, as if to show me they were together and they were happy. Since then, whenever we see foxes, which is rare, we take it as a sign that they are near.
We created a special place in my mother's room in Toronto where she keeps photos and mementos of her parents. The Fox Stone now sits in the middle of this table, where my mom can see it day and night. Knowing she is comforted by this Stone brings great joy and comfort to me as well.
A Token of Friendship

In Lisa's Words
"Story Stones are gifts from the heart.I received my Story Stone as a gift from Sari and I remember how beautifully wrapped it was. Knowing that she created this for me made it so special.
My Stone was personalized for me with what Sari knows to be my passion and inspiration. Receiving this gift was a token of friendship and something that I can always cherish.
I keep my Story Stone on my desk in my office that I see daily. It brings me joy knowing that Sari took the time to create something personalized and so special for me.
Story Stones are a beautiful piece of artwork that will always be treasures, and I am grateful that I was the recipient of one."
Lisa Cheplak, Certified Health & Nutrition Coach
Las Vegas, NV

In The Words of The Artist
10 years ago, I attended a premier health event in Las Vegas (years later I was asked to participate, and offered a presentation as a featured speaker about Brian Health). But during the first event back in 2011, I was walking from one lecture to another when I saw a lovely woman walking towards me. Our eyes met, and we started talking as though we had known each other forever. We bonded immediately.
Over the years we continued to attend the health event together, as well as yoga retreats and social events across Las Vegas. We were often mistaken as sisters! For a few years, Lisa and I teamed up and started our own local nutrition program, Tasty Health with Your Cook and Your Coach.
This Garden Stone is perfect for Lisa who takes great pride growing her own food and teaching gardening in various schools across the city for Green Our Planet.
Lisa's Special Friend

In Lisa's Words
"When I saw the Stones that Sari creates for each individual with all the detail, I was ah over them!
I came to Sari's house where I was able to see a display of these assortments of Stones. I found myself overwhelmed with emotion.
You could feel the love and the spiritual energy from them.
I immediately sat down with her and asked if she would create 2 personalized Stones for me. I gave the details of each one for Sari to create and when she hands you the Stones because she feels so honored to bring your vision to fruition."
Lisa Agnone, Massage Therapist
Las Vegas, NV

In The Words of The Artist
Lisa first contacted me after seeing a post of my Pink Orchid. Apparently, she has always had a liking towards Orchids so it was a pleasure to custom-create a new one for her. I invited Lisa to meet with me to receive her Stone, and much to my surprise, Lisa brought a beautiful tray of fruit and a gift of her mother's candle. Such a kind heart, Lisa and I have since become friends.
A few months ago, Lisa commissioned me to create two separate Stones for a friend in her life, that were more in the category of Commemorative Stones. I loved exploring new modalities for water to represent the ocean, and adding shells that I had collected from a beach in Malibu.
On the Travel Stone, I was told he was very adventurous and love to zip line. I created a miniature zip line with a pulley that actually works! Adding further to the layer of textures I like to infuse, a brown bear sits atop a stone from my garden, offering further dimension and textural interest.
A Son's Birthday stone

In Michelle's Words
"Sari and I have a forever bond. She is a beautiful soul whom I have connected with deeply.
For my son's 22nd birthday, I commissioned a Story Stone to commemorate his special day. Sari was so compassionate ad a great listener as I told the story of my son's birth and how at first glance I knew he was an "old soul".
We talked about his favorite colors, his passions and three very symbolic words which represents his life's contract and the story behind how the words came to life. She attentively listened to me talk about my eldest child and we energetically connected. Throughout the process of creating the Stone, Sari checked in with me and bounced off ideas. She wanted to make it "perfect", and she did.
I admire the amount of love and attention she pours into making her Stone. Sari is extremely creative and the Stone was amazing.
I also have a personal Chakra Stone Collection which I use during my sound healing sessions, and Evil Eye and a Vortex Chakra Stone.
She is a beautiful artist who commits great dedication and inspiration into her Sari stones. I am honored to call her my friend."
Michelle Cintron, Healer; Mystic Topaz Sound Journey
Las Vegas, NV

In The Words of The Artist
It was just by chance that Michelle and I met, as we carpooled to a retreat together one day. From the moment I met Michelle, I felt her energy: strong, positive, sincere and maternal.
Michelle commissioned me to create a Chakra Collection as well as a Commemorative Stone, the Birthday Stone for her son. I learned her son loved Rumi and Lao Tzu, so I found some relevant quotes, created old-fashioned scrolls, and hung them on a little banner I made from toothpicks. I recreated the tattoo Michelle wears on her arm, and added depth and dimension to the Stone, to represent her deep love for her son.
The most challenging part was finding and authentic African drum. After much unsuccessful searching, I made it myself from a tiny jam jar, painted it brown and covered it with African fabric, leather and beads. It sits as part of the centerpiece of the Stone which circles around telling the Story of her son's life and passions.
Ocean & Chakra

In Jennifer's Words
"My Chakra Stone Collection reminds me to stay focus on an area of my well-being -- that needs attention and strengthening. It is displayed in my office and spare room which is also a room for meditation and reading. I keep the "Chakra 101" guide next to my Stones to remind me of what each Chakra represents.
Recently, I needed to focus on a positive mindset throughout the day and knew I needed extra attention to doing actions that supported my goals -- both business tasks and my mindset. I was immediately drawn to the yellow Stone which I held with me all day long. It reminded me I had the willpower to make choices and decisions that support my goals.
The Stones truly reinforce my spirit and inspire me to "feed" the areas of myself that need energy, strength and balance. I am so grateful to Sari for this set of Chakra Stones as they are both beautiful and so useful."
Jennifer Gammons Mujica, Garden Educator, Farmer Jen Organics
Las Vegas, NV

In The Words of The Artist
Jennifer and I have shared a close friendship for a very long time, having spent time together locally and also in Sedona. When I started to create my Story Stones, Jennifer always commented on how beautiful they were. She came over to see my work, and told me that one day, she would be getting a Stone of her own.
The connection Jennifer feels to water, prompted her to commission an Ocean Chakra Collection. I crushed shells that I had collected on the beach in Malibu and incorporated them with corresponding healing crystals. I also used 7 stones that I collected from the beach in California.
When I first painted the base of this Collection, I just was not happy with it, something about it did not sit well. I left it for a couple of days and decided to start a whole new Collection. But one night I woke at 3 am and started painting on top of the Stones already created, and they turned out beautifully.
Jennifer has told me how much peace these Stones bring to her, that they allow her to immediately reconnect with the ocean when she holds them. Knowing I can bring this kind of peace to a life through my art, is very gratifying.
Memorial Stone

In Marianne's Words
"This Memorial Stone was commissioned to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the tragic and sudden death of my friend's 23 years old son. When I met Sari I had no idea we would create Story Stones together for two specific needs of mine. Once I got to know her, our minds and souls connected and I knew Sari was the most centered and talented artist, capable and interested in accomplishing a heart-felt, inspired Memorial Stone and Gratitude Stone.
This is how Sari and I collaborated: we determined his favorite color for the base of the Stone, added a symbol of the name of his book to represent the one he had written and published, the Greek symbols of his fraternities, the symbol of the earth and the anchor to represent his travels with the Navy, and his love for animals and the outdoors. Of course a locket and heart for his mom, and a cross for his religious interests.
On the 2nd anniversary of this young man's passing, I presented this Memorial Story Stone to my friend, his mom. She looked in disbelief and exclaimed, "we will put this on our fireplace mantle. It is the only item we have which expresses my son and all of his interests in one place."
Marianne Supino, Retired
Lynnfield, MA

In The Words of The Artist
Although I have never met Marianne in person, our hearts have touched each others in so many ways. When Marianne first asked me to create this Memorial Stone for her friend, the mother of a son who had lost his life at 23, I was so honored to be entrusted with this very personal, very special project. In fact, this was the first Commemorative Stone I ever created.
We spoke several times throughout the process, as I wanted to make it perfect. Each element on the Stone represents a part of this young man's life. Every color, every symbol, every drop of paint.
Marianne was able to give this Stone to her friend, on the Anniversary of his passing. There are many ways we connect with others in this life; it was through the creation of this Memorial Stone that three women connected, to pay tribute to a man who loved his family and served our country.
Meditation Stones For Ceremony

In Dia's Words
"Sari has been guided in creating beautiful Chakra Meditation Stones that complement and enhance the process of transformation."
Dia Maria Mariposa, Awaken Your Spirit
Sedona, AZ

In The Words of The Artist
Dia also owns a turquoise Dragonfly Story Stone. A fellow Sagittarian, turquoise is our birthstone. Dragonflies represent transformation, expansion, self-realization, determination, and spiritual pursuits. They are a blend of fire and water energy, representing the importance of balanced yin and yang energy, or masculine and feminine in your daily and spiritual life.
Dragonflies can show up in your life in synchronistic ways when you are moving through life lessons or needing spiritual guidance to help you overcome an obstacle. Having the energy of a dragonfly near you, such as in your yard or as decoration in your house, can bring the inspiration and energetic flow that they carry with them into your daily life.
Creating Energy Flow

In Lisa's Words
"My Chakra Stones are more than just painted rocks.
I purchased my Collection after receiving a Third-Eye Chakra Stone as a gift. I was guided to place my gifted Third-Eye Chakra Stone near my bed pillow. I awoke feeling well rested. And remembering my dreams, visions and messages.
In meeting with Sari, I discovered a Pure Soul Essence. Excitingly, I purchased a Chakra Stone Collection.
As I drove home, with the lovely purple box next to me, I could sense an energy of enthusiasm and surprise from the box. I went straight into my studio, Center Your Awareness, to open this special purple box.
In a meditative state of mind, I graciously held each Stone, near its proper Chakra. I felt the love, connecting through my hands, into my body, opening into my higher self. The energy of love from each Stone opened me up. I was amazed with the intensity of power each one held.
I placed my newly blessed Stones on my healing bed. Each one shined with beauty, adding the perfect topping to the bed. For use of the healing bed, I move the Collection to my altar, parallel to the bed. I felt the Stones speaking to m, guiding me with assistance. They have become an instrumental tool in my daily practices.
Sari has a gift of creating energy flow from a simple rock. A true expression of Beauty."
Lisa DiTommaso, Center Your Awareness
Las Vegas, NV

In The Words of The Artist
Many months ago I attended a women's retreat with approximately 12 other women connecting through ceremony and spirituality. As a gesture to reach out to other women, I offered to bring a Chakra Stone for each of the participants. As we sat in a circle, I handed each woman a Stone that spoke to me, a Stone I felt they might need for healing, balance, energy and health.
Lisa later told me that I had handed her the perfect Chakra Stone for what she was needing at that moment. She felt is was kismet! Not long after, Lisa asked me to create a Collection just for her, which was my honor and pleasure. I know that Lisa incorporates her Collection of Chakra Stones in her work, and enjoys implementing them as tool for her own personal well-being.
Lisa also owns a beautiful Giraffe Stone.
Tallie's Chakra Collection

In Tallie's Words
"I keep my stones in various places around my apartment - by my bed, on my desk, and in my window, for example - and reach for them whenever I feel like I need and extra bit of support in that area of my life. I feel like they are always keeping me inspired and grounded!
Thank you so much Sari!! And thank you for making these and spreading your gift!"
Tallie Gabriel, Writer/Musician
New York, NY

In The Words of The Artist
Tallie's mom, Beth, was the first to purchase my Chakra Collection! Tallie is a beautiful soul, as is her mother. It was such an honor to create this first Collection for both of these women. By doing so, it began the momentum that let me know there was a need for this, whether it be as a gift for a loved one, or for a personal set of healing Stones.
Connecting with Mom

In Margaret's Words
"I would like to thank Sari for the beautiful Story Stone that she made for me. My Story Stone sits by my bedside so it's the first thing I see every morning and the last thing I see before I fall asleep.
My Mother is in a nursing home and has always been fascinated with the blue butterflies, so this Stone means the world to me in two ways. The first that Sari took the time to reach out to me with the idea of making mine, and two, it helps me feel connected on so many levels with my Mom.
There are no words other than beautiful and talent, on Sari's part. I have known Sari since my very first day of school and lost touch with Sari when she moved out of town when we were going into grade 7. Since we have reconnected, we chat frequently on Facebook and have been able to be in each other's company once, seeing we live so far apart.
I am so grateful for the friendship and support that she has given me during times of need. Sari certainly has inherited many talents from her Mom. Once again thank you Sari for my precious Stone."
Margaret Olsen, Family-Focused
Hamilton, ON

In The Words of The Artist
Thanks to social media, Margaret and I reconnected after 46 years, and have been keeping in close touch. She is always so supportive and complimentary when I have posted my artwork on my sites.
Through our conversations, I began to learn about some of Margaret's health challenges as well as those of her mom, who I knew as a child. And, so, when Margaret told me that Blue Butterflies were her mother's favorite, I offered to gift her a Stone, to help with her healing.
Her beautiful words upon opening her package, touched my heart and made it that much more special: "omg this is the most beautiful gift I have received. How do I ever thank you enough." It was my pleasure to bring joy to her world through a forever reminder of her mother.
Natalie's Disney Story

In Natalie's Words
"Sari discovered my lifelong Disney obsession and created the perfect Story Stone for me - I just adore her!
When I opened the package and saw Minnie smiling up at me, she put a smile on my face. She has a place of honor on our family room mantle where I honor some of my favorite things.
Thank you so much for taking the time to find the ideal subject for my Story Stone."
Natalie Locastro, Pure Haven Consultant
Vacaville, CA

In The Words of The Artist
Natalie and I came to know each other as Consultants of Pure Haven, as US-based company that manufactures toxin-free products. We have spent time together offering virtual presentations, and chatting on the side as well.
One day, our dear friend Ann - who introduced us to Pure Haven - commissioned me to create a Rainy Day Stone for our team. While Natalie did not win this prize, I could tell that she really wanted it.
Upon learning of Natalie's love for Disney, I created another Stone just for her, a Minnie Mouse Stone. It was such a pleasure to see this Stone receive a place of honor in her home, where she can see and enjoy it daily.